Sunday, January 30, 2011

Image of the day

, originally uploaded by eylowrance.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Image of the day

19500, originally uploaded by peterbaker.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Random Thoughts. An ASA feature By Rhio9

Funeral Home

with agony and torture
accept my gratitude
with suffering and persecution
accept my thankfulness
with pain and anguish
accept my reward
with tenderness and torment
accept my admiration

curses are
more generous
more merciful
more forgiving and
more useful than blessings


in my grave
i had moist erotic dreams
in my ascension you were my escort
in life you were my companion
in sleep you crucified me

motel room

in darkness the floor and ceiling spun around me
in distress worms dug into my soul
in water i drowned from the drink of the ghetto
in fire my throat burned hot jazz

you were
the nauseating mist floating above the fog
the toilet seat the cotton and the spoon
the graveyard and crypt
the phone booth the lock and key to the car
in the hour of death's delirium

you did not forsake me and you did not desert me nor did you
abandon me at the bus station
in the hour of my return

you did not ignore the
blind dog vomiting at your feet nor did you
punish him for sleeping or
destroy him for eating or
hate him for jumping off the cliff.

This feature was edited and written by Rhio9

Image of the day

, originally uploaded by Kirill Kuletski.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


., originally uploaded by alex cretey systermans.


., originally uploaded by Stevie Dacanay.

, originally uploaded by Katherine Squier.

, originally uploaded by Shawn C. Smith.

Image of the day

Swing and a miss, originally uploaded by K. Praslowicz (Sjixxxy).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Image of the day

, originally uploaded by taylor doyle gillespie.

Monday, January 24, 2011

United States of God. An ASA feature by Marko Mihailovich

A look at the Obsessed, Absorbed, Occupied, Crazed, Insane, Deranged, Religious, Wacked, Possessed, Concerned, Excessive, Outrageous, inordinate, Distracted, Hyper, Frenetic, Devout, Draining, Exhaustive, Extravagant, Exorbitant, Extremist, Raving, Demonic, Addicted, Overindulgent, Engrossed, Enamored, Loony, Raged, Enchanted, Psychopathic, Impassioned, Loopy, Manic, Disturbed, Mad, Mental, Psychotic, Hectic, Demented, Overkeen, Fanatical, Frenzied, Immersed, Godly, Fervent, Zealous, Involved, Consumed, Absorbed, Absentminded, Radical, Bewitched, Preoccupied, Fervid, Haunted, Demented, Hard-core, Hysterical, Diehard, Wild, Militant, Fixated America we all live in today..

Aaron Noah Graham

Missy Prince

Emiliano Granado

Hospital Parking Lot, San Mateo Ca
Alexis Gerard

Chuck Patch

Todd Fisher

Alison Scarpulla

Bathroom, Tinhat, Seattle
William Rugen

Sarah Kate

Don Hudson

Kevin Collier

Gun Show, KS
Simon Kossoff

Jim Cook
Jim Cook

Net $ 49
Julio Lopez Saguar

Ronald McDonald 07
Joshua Yospyn

Simon Kossoff

horror show
Bobby Milk

This excellent feature was edited and compiled by Marko Mihailovich

Image of the day

Charlie Down

Charlie Down By DJ Menges

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

, originally uploaded by Beerbrain.

, originally uploaded by Polish Sausage Queen.